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A third of Pakistan is under water with almost 2,000 people losing their lives and tens of millions

being displaced. Due to the damage caused to roads, bridges and the general infrastructure, relief efforts

have been made difficult. Entire towns and villages are without food, shelter, power supply and do not have access

to vital medical aid. We have people on the ground in the most affected areas in Pakistan and need you support.

Please donate generously and help alleviate the plight and desperation of the Pakistani people.




Orphans Worldwide



Children In

Conflict Regions



Children Out

Of Education 



Children Forced

Into Labour

About Mother

The Orphan Heritage Foundation

Wherever there are orphans, we want to be there. We want to serve and support the forgotten children of this world unconditionally.

Upcoming Projects 

The Gambia

Situated in West Africa, The Gambia is the smallest country in this region and is home to some 70,000 orphans.

How you can help

Your concern for orphans; is our concern. We welcome new people, fresh ideas and any support you are able to offer.

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It is estimated that there are currently 40,000 children living in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon alone. NGO's have reported that children have been subject to horrific living conditions with very little access to education, sexual abuse and malnutrition. During the winter period these daunting conditions are amplified. With your generous support, we intend to provide as many children and families with winter survival packs, enabling them to endure the harsh conditions that the coming months will bring.


Yemen has been the home to many devastating tribulations over the last few years. Due to war and famine, the country has been dubbed as the world's biggest humanitarian crisis. With COVID-19 rapidly increasing in the region, the people of Yemen face yet another calamity with very little resources. A colossal 80% of the population requires humanitarian assistance - some 12 million of whom are children and who have been impacted the severest. Please support Mother who has partnered with Rafah International to deliver essential food packs to Yemen.  


Although Kenya's economy is the largest and most developed in eastern and central Africa, 36.1% of its population lives below the international poverty line. This severe poverty is mainly caused by economic inequality, government corruption and health problems. Our partners on the ground will primarily be operating from Nairobi and will be distributing food parcels to those who are incredibly impoverished and those who are suffering from socially and economically deprived situations. 

Mother - Kenya 2021 Campaign.png


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